You can neither know nor control t… But you can follow it And as you follow the truth You will come to know How to control yourself
I’m the kind of guy Who doesn’t ride a motorcycle But always wears a leather helmet
The devil used to be a buyer of so… But now he’s a seller To the Big Five tech companies Because the money is just too good How does the devil sell
The narrative arc of the Matrix m… appears to be about man vs. machin… when really it’s about resolving man vs. woman: A man must learn
I thought the Protestant work eth… I saw all the lazy rivers in peopl… until I noticed they were each swi… against the current
Post-pandemic life is a broken rec… Where they keep saying If it ain’t broke Don’t fix it
If it can’t be fixed but it must be fixed it stands to reason that you should keep trying the easy fix
When I asked Permission to come aboard The ship of fools They said Everything is permitted
I thought I was choosing between Life and death When really, I was choosing betwe… First and last place So, when I thought I chose life
Jews will tell you Right up front That they believe They are the chosen people WASPs believe that they believe
When you can work from anywhere anywhere will do
I still believe that anything is possible It’s just that now nothing would surprise me
It’s horrifying when two parties have a suicide pact but it’s exponentially worse that the far right and far left
The number one cause of divorce Is holding a grudge We are divorced from reality Because we hold a grudge against t… We resent the truth
Paradoxically When you have a one-track mind Your body can go anywhere For your soul to accomplish anythi…