What is the internet? It’s not a thing in space and time It’s a nothing in timeless cybersp… You could represent it with– “The symbol zero denoting the abse…
During the lockdown you were still technically allowed to exercise outdoors but I rigged up
I have an idea: I have no idea
The sign used to say: Gentlemen may remove their hats All others must Now it reads: Ladies and gentlemen may wear thei…
In this charming reboot of a classic kidlit gumshoe series our eponymous hero Wikipedia Brown solves thought crimes by
No shoes, no shirt, no service Just say no Do not pass go, do not collect $20… Don’t call us, we’ll call you No pain, no gain
The word of God is written in invisible ink and must be lived in order to be truly seen unless and until those lives are d…
You will know You are in the fight of your life When fighting it Is more important Than winning it
I have a tendency to overreact When people tell me to get lost By taking them literally and serio… Which is literally how I found Go… Seriously!
Where once the Imaginary, the Sym… formed three sides of the same coi… now there is but one side to every… as the Imaginary is displaced by t… the Symbolic is scrambled in servi…
My wife is R2-D2 Which, of course Makes me C-3PO She is constantly getting us into… In order to save us from ourselves
I always wondered if mimes were a type of clown until having my mind blown by the insight that
If we’re all afraid of change and if the more things change the more they stay the same then we’re all afraid that nothing will ever really chan…
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In a failed democracy the one thing both sides can agree on is that the real traitors are the loyal opposition