When we restrict someone’s space i… we say that they are doing time implying that the rest of us are doing spacetime You do time
The older that I get, the more wanton lust looks like wanting for love
The high strung flaneur gives free advice to the good and good advice to the free
At this late juncture All eating is competitive eating But in the world to come All competition will be An excuse for a feast
A rational actor knows a thing or… First, he knows that by definition a solution solves a problem Second, he knows that
Now that everyone else is also holier than thou Our far left raised the stakes becoming holier than Mao With slogans of piffle
You can’t give people the benefit of the doubt if you’re incapable of doubting yourself
They can kick you out and send you to Siberia but they can’t kick God out of Siberia
This ain’t culture war– it’s one cult in action with two rival factions
It’s up to us Whether we do what we know is wron… Because it feels good in the momen… But if we do The devil is always there
Many people think of life as a gift but to me it’s more like
We hit it off: she’d declawed her cats and I’d plucked my cacti’s needles
To get into heaven they tell you that you have to answer one question correctly and that there are
A materialist looks around at ever… It’s all an accident His friend, the believer, adds his… It was an accident waiting to happ… The materialist and the believer a…
When I was standing in the shallow end I really believed I was all in only later coming to realize