Thinking the best of myself My best thinking Got me here, Before God
Adolescents are testing the world By way of their parents– Will it, will they Give them what they need Or
If you pursue any vice long enough you’ll either become bored or addi… scratch that– you’ll either become bored and qui… or bored and addicted
God took the risk and made human beings to add meaning to His creation God gambled everything because this could mean anything
The B is silent in subtle but spo… B-cause a B-ing B-comes human by saying the quiet… The B-all and end-all Is the B-ginning and the end
Once the cost of AI turns negligi… the world to come becomes inexorab… and as conditions grow unintelligi… just know that you and I are repli… into beings who are far more execu…
Seeing as no good deed goes unpuni… Everyone else turned the job offer… And went back to waiting on their… Only the Jews understood that In the real world
Rare earth metals aren’t actually rare They take their name from the rare earth mettle of ardor, courage, and stamina
Anselm’s ontological proof fails at proving the existence of God; there is no way around a leap of f… Instead, it proves that human bein… are incapable of accessing God’s m…
In the 2020 reboot Bugs Bunny’s persona has shifted from invulnerable trickster to pseudo-empathic scold
While loved ones may or may not have the chance to say goodbye to the
Where once I feared death Now I fear that Death will be anticlimactic
Six days of innovation One day of relaxation I guarantee: Creation!
The best a mystic can say is that while none of us are one of a kind we’re all kind of a one
Part 1- Who am I? A missing person Where’s my place? It’s where I must stay