Did we stop playing the long game because it is the wrong game or is it only the wrong game because we’ve long since stopped p… Or is asking that question more of…
The good Hurts so good The bad Hurts so bad And the ugly
My life as ode to permission seeking was just a road to perdition strictly speaking Broadly speaking
Unsatisfied with turning on the T… to take our minds off things we’ve taken to turning our minds o…
Knowing that everyone agrees you remind them of indoor furniture on the porch tells you nothing about what each of them thinks of you
We’re told the space between galaxies is expanding but mightn’t the space within galaxies
In the latest version of Captain… Captain America’s archenemy is Captain Obvious for all the obvious reasons
Because it’s so hellacious transmuting lead into gold the people pleaser finds it heavenly to degrade gold into lead
I believe because I doubt sounds absurd until you realize that if there’s no doubt about it you are not free to choose
Early big bang theor– ists were known for eating quite a lot of popcorn
People will only tell the truth when they think they can get away with it For example, perjury laws only wor… by publicly threatening jail time
I’m not at liberty to say exactly… Batman and Robin change their clo… while sliding down the Bat Poles but I can share that it involves a lot of Alfred’s band…
In the age of divorce It needs to be said: If you don’t want to end up divorc… Do not covet your neighbor’s ex-wi…
When America was grouped by right… We could always meet in the middle… This was called democracy But those days are over With America divided into
As the public version of one’s pri… social media is the recurring drea… of showing up at work without any… come true