Get back! Problem is The internet will still be there w… Get back
Love your enemy but do continue to hate your rival factions
The biggest reason I ever did any… Was always my ego Even as a part of me insisted There must be something bigger That part, the heart
A dissident today is anyone who realizes that since you’re damned if you do damned if you don’t
I’m never Ready But I’m always Overprepared
In showing us what darkness looks… fog is equal and opposite to stars lighting up the night sky
You’ve made Your waterbed Now steep in it
If I say yes That’s just a guess If I say no Then I don’t know If I say maybe
Yes, I am most afraid of losing c… But you can’t lose what you don’t… So, I’m afraid of nothing Which is how you die alone The only way to live together
When I listen to the blues I can’t stop thinking of advice I’d give
Carry a pen, should you need to write “Note to self: Congratulations!”
In a twist in hell there are no consequences
No one who desires to be good believes themselves good; all those who believe themselves g… do so in service of their true desire
My constant sense of dread Was just a case Of perpetual stage fright In a never-ending performance of c… Now that I’ve dropped the act
Everybody knows The pen is mightier than the sword But few understand That it’s because The pen is a lightsaber