The moment I think It’s beneath me the solid ground collapses into a sinkhole where I remain
The depths of despair will be alleviated to the degree of your depths of attachment
You can watch my disappearing act as long as you’ve turned your back on the light allowing you to see a mere shadow of myself
You’ve used others When you use your talents To serve yourself You’ve used God When you use your talents
For about one hundred years it was no longer a secret that the easiest way to be a rational a… in an irrational world is to rationalize all
Life is a movie in which childhood is a sequel to your pare… adulthood is a prequel for your ch… and making it to old age is living in a spin-off
Human beings would be hopeless but for God being hopelessly in love with us
Failure to pay the narcissistic wa… results in a fit of rage that cannot be assuaged short of an all against all rampag…
I know I think, Therefore I am All knowing Unless
If we’re all afraid of change and if the more things change the more they stay the same then we’re all afraid that nothing will ever really chan…
But surely, you’ve noticed by now That all progress is incremental Across increments of time Because all progress is time-bound And the unfolding of time
There Is Always Room For
The Cheshire Cat and Schrodinger’s Cat couldn’t agree on a place to meet
The original version’s working title was The Giveth and Taketh Away Tree but Silverstein couldn’t get it published
We can’t tell you how anything wor… It’s computers? Nothing works? This party rules! It’s not the only party in town