When at last Our time comes Just as we realize the need To give things time It will have come to pass
Mother Goose was always considere… a good enough mother Until lately we realized her failure to smother It was unanimous
Because bodies make a fart joke of… etiquette used to dictate that whe… passed gas at, e.g., a dinner part… the polite thing to do was to pret… the fart never happened
A civilization requires a high degree of both technological and cultural develop… So what do you call it when technological development
By the time Abraham and Isaac cli… Human beings had long since evolve… Survive danger and avoid death Long enough to overcome death By reproducing and raising offspri…
The conceit of individualism was that you could have a type without even wondering if you might be a type
I have what I need I know what I want I do all that I can until my day… My God does all the rest Or
Steely Dan sings “I don’t wanna do your dirty work… again and again only once intoning “I foresee terrible trouble
Nation-states are for the embodied Bodies are for souls Souls need everything in moderatio… Cyberspace is for cyborgs Cyborgs are for real
As mysterious as the caterpillar bursting into the butterfly a lifetime of following all the ru… somehow prepared them to change all the rules
It is said that “rules create fun”, but guns create rules while warring results from anarchy
When given the command “Explain yourself” A believer is someone who answers “I have no explanation” In order to explain everything
The question isn’t Are you doing this the right way? Because there’s no right or wrong… To do the right thing The question is
The only ones Who antisemites hate more than Je… Are Jews who defend themselves There is a name For their belief system:
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