One interpretation holds that the Tree of Life
And the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Are one and the same tree
Which makes sense to me
Since when Adam and Eve decided to eat
Of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
They were deciding between
Letting God decide
In which case it all comes from God
Or man deciding for himself
Between good and evil
Deciding on the latter
Evil enters the world
And good is fractured
Into a fraction of Creation
For when God looked upon His Creation
He saw that it was good
But when man decided for himself
It was good and evil
So, forget
Beyond Good and Evil;
Before good and evil
God saw that it was good
And when we finally recall the before times
We will once again stand before God
In His garden
That we have mistakenly decided to call ours
Like children given a gift
Only to scream
Rendering Creation a minefield