A grown up is someone who knows the right thing to do and does it anyway
The kingdom of heaven is like two otherwise mediocre individuals making a great couple
You’re not allowed to copy from your neighbor because you’re supposed to copy from your teacher
This is a much simpler question than What does a woman want? Hamas wants to kill all Jews in Israel
There are no endings neither happy nor sad– Does this make you happy or sad? I pretend to answer the question by preferring songs that end
Wittgenstein’s fly in the bottle consults the map for directions to find the map
They say love it or leave it yet what do you do if you love your country but it leaves you
The narrative arc of the Matrix m… appears to be about man vs. machin… when really it’s about resolving man vs. woman: A man must learn
Big Brother used to just Cross his fingers To avoid telling the truth Then uncrossed them into a V for Vacancy
Augmented reality works through addition by subtraction where we’ve lost contact with real… but gained a sun
Civilization began When the sons killed the father And substituted the name-of-the-fa… Civilization is ending Now that we’ve killed off the name…
It was only after The social media firestorm Had burned our civilization down That we rose from the ashes Like a phoenix
No one wanted to wear augmented reality goggles until our design team hit upon the idea of making them look
There is only one way to claim moral authority: Convincing others that they are the authority in their own life And based on exhaustive research
The opposite of modest isn’t immodest, it’s honest The opposite of immodest is confident