I’m never Ready But I’m always Overprepared
I always like to know where I stand and I always bring an umbrella that can double
Brexit is a fantasy that a people who previously sat astride a global empire can now sit apart from globalizati… when in reality
If you lower the status of all mal… The high-status males will be aver… And the rest will be bottom feeder… Eating away at the foundation
Cyberspace has divided us By walling each of us into Our own private nihilo So, we’ll all be able to recognize… Because he will be able to walk th…
People used to kill the goose that laid the golden egg because they wanted more gold
Self-flattery will get you everywhere but there’s nowhere left to go
I’m sad to say I’ve never been happier And I’m happy to say I’ve never been sadder All of which is to say
My mid-life crisis is the fear that my tombstone epit… Like chicken, he went with everyth…
Freedom looks like Total autonomy When really, it’s The deepest connection
By the time Abraham and Isaac cli… Human beings had long since evolve… Survive danger and avoid death Long enough to overcome death By reproducing and raising offspri…
It’s because certain questions will get you killed that certain other questions are also answers
I always thought saying slide trombone was like saying pizza pie until I heard about the valve trombone
We should all know by now That every day is a do-over But we fail to realize That this means we’re in overtime And our version of overtime
Instead of using our flashlights to move through the wilderness in the dark, slowly we believe that if we just keep shining them about the dark forest