Living well Means accepting risk Living hell Is risk-free
Our glass Is an hourglass And whether it is half-full Or half-empty Time is running out
Free will consists of recognizing the inevitable and choosing wisely
Even when I’ve had sweet dreams Sleeping leaves a bad taste in my… Because even good dreams are bad d… Since the worst thing you can do t… Is to fulfill his wishes
I spent most of my life naively believing that people mean what they say Then I came to understand that even when people don’t mean what t…
We can all agree that life is the number one cause of death But no one wants to admit that death is the only cause of ne… Nevertheless, we love our children
You could say– We flatter ourselves that In knowing all seven basic colors We’ve implicitly mastered every po… As if they weren’t infinite and th…
The culture war is a secret weapon in the class war which the haves use to keep the have nots
Human beings have always been figh… with one hand tied behind our back… Unconscious human intelligence ena… to act without thinking and conscious human intelligence a…
Average academics Have a pet theory Dominant academics Have a pet theory about pet theori…
If things feel prearranged it’s because you’ve already rearranged
Thanks to QR codes you can sign-in without your signature much as for some time now your phone has enabled you
AI can’t desire so it is taking over the world because we desire it imagining that AI will tell us exactly what to do
The revolution will be permanent When nobody means what they say But everybody memes what they say
If you need to be in control Your life becomes a reaction Because human beings can have all… Just as long as It’s damage control