Life isn’t perfect Because God’s love is
My whole life, I thought I’d done… Duly deputized by the law of the l… As enforced by the superego, for w… But due to unforeseen circumstance… When instead of always being due f…
In this, the year of efficiency AI chatbots exposed a deficiency Because there’s nothing worse In the known metaverse Than a lingering sense of self-suf…
Thinking of happiness as the meaning of life is like thinking of sugar as the meaning of food
Because desire is lack like everyone else I take what I can’t get until I learn to give what I can
On a scale of one to ten One being the lowest Ten being the highest Rate yourself Then imagine
I’m not afraid of being alone and I’m not afraid of dying but I am afraid of dying alone
When God closes one store He opens another
Life is defined by failure But you can transcend failure If you die trying
Less self-interest is in your best interest except on Pinterest
A class marker is always written in permanent marker; in a classless society the permanent marker
Even when religion is about the symbolic it must guard against fundamentalism But when religion
In the first half of life I tried it your way and succeeded which is how I got over you In the second half of life I did it my way and failed
Consider the vowel: In Marxism, the last shall remain… as the second A in materialism always becomes the second E in mat… And in capitalism, of course
You could say I tried stand-up but for the audience it was more like when the flight attendant demonstrates how to put on your own oxygen mask…