Theres a key to happiness The man said as he rocked “But if theres a key to happiness Why would they keep it locked”
You can hide it in make up But I know it’s still there A face designed Only to scare You can try to distract me
There sat a house Above the ocean They say when in it To not cause commotion If it were to teeter
Supposedly we all have demons And boy do I wish this were true I’d have these demons do my chores And all my homework too
Alone lived a man Who only drank glue The cause of his problems Is what no one knew As a child he’d get sick
I once met a man Who walked on his hands He’d sit on his head When too tired to stand He’d extend his leg
whats this do? I have no clue its mechanics look quite clever oh look at the time
He was deemed the greatest no arme… Before his first fight ever begun He may have lost every match But he’s the best, and only one
Little sneezing Cynthia Never covered her mouth She would sneeze oh so loud It could be heard clear down south Her sneezing startled the neighbor…
Mean Jean The pie eating queen For miles wide She could be seen She’d eat the crusts
There once was a kid who balanced… on roofs, wires, and rocks he decided to raise the risks in a… where he would balance on top of a crock
My shadow and I Once played hide and go seek I closed both eyes Not once did i peek I counted to the highest number
If you mixed a alligator An otter and elephant You would think it bring absolute… To all the places that it went But I was wrong, so listen carefu…
As I walked through the woods I saw a heard of doe, doe, doe But I returned shortly As the ray, ray, rain began to flo… My job you ask me, me, me
In a corner alone Sat the chair with the teeth Locked away far From anyones reach If you sat down