A poem’s a poem If it ends in a rhyme A poet’s a poet If he writes in spare time A poet grows famous
Little sneezing Cynthia Never covered her mouth She would sneeze oh so loud It could be heard clear down south Her sneezing startled the neighbor…
It’s time I must go I’ll make this one quick Just flip the page If this one doesn’t stick
What if the old man Who snored when it was pouring Did in fact not get up When it was morning What if after a ring of rosies
Solomon grumpy Born on a Monday Woke early on Tuesday Stayed up until Wednesday Drove angry on Thursday
I covered it in blankets Even gave it a thermometer I called up my doctor To see if he could save my monitor He said he’s no repair man
Upon her own pedestal Is where she sat Not down on earth She was too good for that She’s never wrong just ask her
Maybe just one more piece What could possibly go wrong It won’t really make a difference Oh dear it’s all gone...
Into the room the child had run I have super powers his story begu… I can see through walls For real no lies So the parents got up
whats this do? I have no clue its mechanics look quite clever oh look at the time
Supposedly we all have demons And boy do I wish this were true I’d have these demons do my chores And all my homework too
Brooke got her name Because she likes to babble Teller got his name Because he likes To tattle Shaky got his name
There once slept a man who could n… Naps for hours and weeks he’d take He slept by choice not by need The most extravagant dreams he had… He dreamt of dreaming and dozed of…
Tippy Tom liked to drink Tippy Tom would raise a stink Tippy Tom would stumble out Tippy Tom would walk about Tippy Toms gone missing
Jane and I thought to build a ufo Thered be no limit to where we wou… We’d go beyond where boats would r… We’d escape the chilling winter sn… It would be full of lights to put…