The furies are at home in the mirror; it is their address… Even the clearest water, if deep enough can drown. Never think to surprise them.
Up, black, striped and demasked li… At a funeral mass, the skunk’s tai… Paraded the skunk. Night after ni… I expected her like a visitor. The refrigerator whinnied into sil…
The apes yawn and adore their flea… The parrots shriek as if they were… Like cheap tarts to attract the st… Fatigued with indolence, tiger and… Lie still as the sun. The boa-con…
Either peace or happiness, let it enfold you when I was a young man I felt these things were dumb, unsophisticated.
She died in the upstairs bedroom By the light of the ev’ning star That shone through the plate glass… From over Leamington Spa Beside her the lonely crochet
Abstraction is an old story with the philosophers, but it has been like a new toy in the hands of the artists of our day. Why can’t we have any one quality of poetry we choose by itself...
The highway is full of big cars going nowhere fast And folks is smoking anything that… Some people wrap their lies around… And you sit wondering
The sun has come. The mist has gone. We see in the distance... our long way home. I was always yours to have.
All I know is a door into the dar… Outside, old axles and iron hoops… Inside, the hammered anvil’s short… The unpredictable fantail of spark… Or hiss when a new shoe toughens i…
I come from a musical place Where they shoot me for my song And my brother has been tortured By my brother in my land. I come from a beautiful place
Candy Is Dandy But liquor Is quicker.
He is here, come down to look for… It is the song that calls you back… a song of joy and suffering equally: a promise: that things will be different up t…
Equinox the sun arcs north side worms and grubs reappear to soak in the rising heat birds follow the sun northward
It will not always be like this, The air windless, a few last Leaves adding their decoration To the trees’ shoulders, braiding… Of the boughs with gold; a bird pr…
Take Me Brother gods Zeus Poseidon Hades of the sky the sea the underworld convened at twilight at the Mount Quite puzzled at near dawn
We wear the mask that grins and li… It shades our cheeks and hides our… This debt we pay to human guile With torn and bleeding hearts… We smile and mouth the myriad subt…
why does he act like this why dont he apprecitate what he ha… why did he just walk a way like it… why didnt he stay and wait for me but he left me
On the sheep-cropped summit, under… The mouse crouched, staring out th… It dared not take. Time and a world Too old to alter, the five mile pr…
The dog loved its churlish life, Scraps, thefts. Itsdeclined blood An anarchy of mindless pride. Nobody’s pet, but good enough To double with a bitch as poor.
WE’ RE foot—slog—slog—slog—slogg… Foot—foot—foot—foot—sloggin’ over… (Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin’ up… There’s no discharge in the war! Seven—six—eleven—five—nine—an’—twe…
I thought it would last my time— The sense that, beyond the town, There would always be fields and f… Where the village louts could clim… Such trees as were not cut down;
On the grass when I arrive, Filling the stillness with life, But ready to scare off At the very first wrong move. In the ivy when I leave.
An escape from the pain Someplace soft to fall When the world knocks me down And the ground is hard. Decorated by the hearts
The useless dawn finds me in a des… Nights are proud waves; darkblue t… Nights have a habit of mysterious… The surge, that night, left me the… and odd ends: some hated friends t…
I have seen the sun break through to illuminate a small field for a while, and gone my way and forgotten it. But that was the… of great price, the one field that…
When I think about myself, I almost laugh myself to death, My life has been one great big jok… A dance that’s walked A song that’s spoke,
Unhappy about some far off things That are not my affair, wandering Along the coast and up the lean ri… I saw in the evening The stars go over the lonely ocean…
one more breath flick worries away we earned to live one more breath laughing at ourselves ***
growing a spring garden garden rendezvous so many ways scenes of love critter calls to mate April showers gift to May
Swerving east, from rich industria… And traffic all night north; swerv… Too thin and thistled to be called… And now and then a harsh—named hal… Workmen at dawn; swerving to solit…
The pig, if I am not mistaken; Supplies us sausage, ham, and baco… Let others say his heart is big— I call it stupid of the pig.
I climbed through woods in the hou… Evil air, a frost-making stillness… Not a leaf, not a bird,— A world cast in frost. I came out… Where my breath left tortuous stat…
At this moment in time, we’d like to invite First Class passengers only to board the aircraft. We now extend our invitation to Exclusive, Superior, Privilege and Excelsior members, foll...
You walked in front of me, pulling me back out to the green light that had once grown fangs and killed me. I was obedient, but
Born like this Into this As the chalk faces smile As Mrs. Death laughs As the elevators break
Go to Tibet. Ride a camel. Read the Bible. Dye your shoes blue. Grow a Beard.
To step over the low wall that div… Road from concrete walk above the… Brings sharply back something know… The miniature gaiety of seasides. Everything crowds under the low ho…
Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.
fire made earth you walk on under your feet warm yet cold a winter discontent
Unbiased at least he was when he a… Having never set eyes on the land… Between two peoples fanatically at… With their different diets and inc… “Time,” they had briefed him in L…
I thought that I could not be hur… I thought that I must surely be impervious to suffering— immune to pain or agony.
There are similarities I notice: that the hills which the eyes make flat as a wall… together, open as I move to let me through; become
Two roads diverged in a yellow woo… And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I c… To where it bent in the undergrowt…
Last night in the fields I lay down in the darkness to think about death, but instead I fell asleep,
It was beautiful as God must be beautiful: glacial eyes that had looked on violence and come to terms with it; a body too huge
don’t worry about rejections, pard… I’ve been rejected before. sometimes you make a mistake, taki… the wrong poem
We have no prairies To slice a big sun at evening— Everywhere the eye concedes to Encrouching horizon, Is wooed into the cyclops’ eye
Ides of March battle wearied stressed home bound crossed the rubicon said the die is cast foreboding river stood still
Fellow men! why should the lords t… And prohibit women from having the… When they pay the same taxes as yo… I consider they ought to have the… And I consider if they are not al…
you won’t see them often for wherever the crowd is they are not. those odd ones, not
I have not ever seen my father’s g… Not that his judgment eyes have been forgotten nor his great hands’ print on our evening doorknobs
It is the first mild day of March… Each minute sweeter than before, The redbreast sings from the tall… That stands beside our door. There is a blessing in the air,
My son, my executioner, I take you in my arms, Quiet and small and just astir And whom my body warms. Sweet death, small son, our instru…
Once upon a time, You and all your kind lived undern… Had ridges for ribs that dropped o… As if an excavation crew were hire… And while the world above you inve…
What is reality? I am a plaster doll; I pose with eyes that cut open without la… upon some shellacked and grinning… eyes that open, blue, steel, and c…
Style is the answer to everything. A fresh way to approach a dull or… To do a dull thing with style is p… To do a dangerous thing with style… Bullfighting can be an art
be happy Helios kisses Nyx along a quiet long trail canopy arches winter bare naked
Next year we are to bring all the… For lack of money, and it is all r… Places they guarded, or kept order… We want the money for ourselves at… Instead of working. And this is a…
On a summer morning I sat down on a hillside to think about God – a worthy pastime.
You have no enemies, you say? Alas! my friend, the boast is poor… He who has mingled in the fray Of duty, that the brave endure, Must have made foes! If you have…