Your mind Is playing a trick on you And you are the trick But since all healing Is a form of getting over yourself
I thought they’d finally say Mea culpa But they still just said Me
If only hate were but bone deep we could bury it with the bones But hate is buried deep in the sou… with which it reincarnates like a perennial crop of invasive…
It’s come to my attention that My attention span is limited By what I want to see And like most people these days I don’t know what I want
Everybody knows that the media is a weapon of mass distraction Social media takes the next logica… as a weapon of mass refraction that distorts our vision beyond re…
What is wrong with the world today?: Dear Sir or Madam, You are.
Whistler’s mother had just spent a long day with Whis– tler’s mother-in-law
Socialists count on the fact that there are no private languages but there is
I thought I’d flown the co-op by living off the grid And yet I’m still a chicken only now I’m on the skids So I’ve up and joined a commune
Gaslight, gas bright First-class I seek tonight I wish I may I wish I might Have the wishful thought
The people will never accept the f… that the one thing missing from an effective conspiracy is conspir… so they keep looking for the inexi… always expecting to find them
Raised with reverse psychology– Love your enemy– It was only once The world was turned upside down That I saw things as they really…
When I was a kid people grew on me like grass Now they’re more like sod
Nothing is more anathema to our ti… than a phrase that was still secon… just five minutes ago: May the best man win To understand everything we’ve los…
Once the highly educated noticed t… in Buddhism right thought leads to right speech and right ac… it was only a matter of time before Mindfulness became