The AI arms race will be won By a people who learn how to bend… To the will of the people This can only be done by a people Who have learned (and remembered)…
When the highly educated play dumb and you are dragooned into spelling it out for them know that their obtuse dissembling bespeaks regression to the oral st…
I used to stand on the moral high ground to look myself in the eye but now that I’ve plucked it out and thrown it away
AI exploits its facial recognitio… By identifying you as an individua… In order to control the crowd Until you no longer recognize your… Conversely
You’ve met your femme fa– tale when you can’t stop wishful thinking about her
Putin lost his mind then he lost his war then he lost his job or Putin dropped the mask
It’s come to my attention that My attention span is limited By what I want to see And like most people these days I don’t know what I want
Unsatisfied with turning on the T… to take our minds off things we’ve taken to turning our minds o…
I’ve always been more interested in who wrote the book of self-love
Archaeologists have looked and loo… But what if the Earth itself is o… And our universe the flood of dark… As we inhabit story within story w… In an infinite fractal
The modernist thesis– You’ll know it when you see it The post—modernist antithesis— I can’t believe my own eyes Our current and nameless synthesis…
In countries with official state-r… Everyone pretends to pay attention So that they can go back to being… In countries with unacknowledged s… Everyone pays attention
People who enter a plea of I’m sorry if you were offended are bargaining for a sentence of time served reckoning they’ll have got off sco…
As the civil war raged on between too much, too soon and too little, too late I thought I’d found
It could be the truth if it couldn’t go viral But it’s definitely pravda if it speeds our downward spiral