As AI gets smarter and smarter we’ll grow cuter and cuter until like a pug who struggles to breath… we’re too cute for our own good
God looks down and sees all of His good kids making bad choices God is one but decides to speak to us
People think that their report car… will be graded Pass/Fail but since God has a mysterious rep… He gives two grades in every subje… You get an A for effort
If my peccadillos Are mere cigarillos Why is my hide as thick as an arma…
The never-ending apocalyptic refra… may just be yet another version of death’s denial: The world must be ending
We talk about current times But time is a current That gives us our power We hate death Seeing it as the loss of all power
In this age of relentless people p… the merest exercise of reason is always a form of treason
Heads I bite my tongue Tails You cut it off
The only way to avoid giving the man who has everything more of the same is to give him nothing
The bad news is that liberal societies can only cohere in the face of external enemies The good news is that we will never lack for
We used to wonder What will they think of next? Having lost our capacity for wonde… We insist Now they’ve thought of everything
Of course, the west Still thinks it’s the best And in the postmodern west The best is the worst Which is all well and good
Individual psychology is formed by… to lead the group into competition and it is only through the struggle between groups that the individual experiences
We can all agree that life is the number one cause of death But no one wants to admit that death is the only cause of ne… Nevertheless, we love our children
The One Ring had it backwards The one thing that bestows power is