If you really loved robins you would stuff your bird feeder full of worms
Telling ourselves half-truths Is worse than telling ourselves li… Because Although the truth will set you fr… Just as you can’t be half pregnant
When I die I’m go– ing to donate my body to pseudoscience
Don’t talk to strangers; Sing with them
I’ve never believed in being proac… so instead of expecting the unexpe… I got the surprise of my life but found it altogether unexceptio…
Before the culture war you could talk to someone anyone say what you think and, when necessary, append a
The difference between being hungr… And being power hungry Is that hunger can be satisfied This is because God is
Globalization is the Titanic The United States dollar is the hull that keeps the Titanic af… And US debt default is
A woman’s air of mystery is intended as the breath of life but received by men as a crime to be solved
It was an open secret that on his day off Sisyphus liked to go downhill skii…
You don’t really know someone until it becomes clear that you don’t really know them
It takes billions of years for the… of stars to reach us on earth but for the light its passage is instantaneous Our current relationship with God
I believe in God and I believe in liberalism The tension between these two beliefs
The three most powerful words in the English language are not I love you; they are So be it
I’m not at liberty to say exactly… Batman and Robin change their clo… while sliding down the Bat Poles but I can share that it involves a lot of Alfred’s band…