The purpose of our education syste… Is to condition us to give the rig… Which, of course Are those that please the authorit… The necessary condition for real l…
When they said God is dead They just meant God is forbidden And like a fool
People used to kill the goose that laid the golden egg because they wanted more gold
God will accept everything about you but the one thing He won’t take is the blame
Jews learned to read between the l… when time and again they were granted a lifetime membe… only to find that their membership could still be lapsed
My life used to be An open book Now it’s an open state secret
Our grueling cascade of online spa… Is like the spider’s prey’s strugg… Designed to exhaust us As the spider patiently looks on Motionless
Old habits are hard to break but impossible to make New habits, like flossing, are easy to make
Soft totalitarianism is like shoes That are just tight enough To remain comfortable If you don’t go anywhere
In true democracy Authority flows via The will of the people In our technocracy Authority grows via
When America was grouped by right… We could always meet in the middle… This was called democracy But those days are over With America divided into
Everybody impersonates who they used to be but only some are impostors
Everything dear to you? You can take all of that and throw it out the Overton window
The jig is finally up When Mr. Cool Goes to shul
When I listen to the blues I can’t stop thinking of advice I’d give