When people meet me they typically think I’m a sensitive guy but later they realize I’m a time sensitive guy
Not to be outdone I cut my face off to spite my nose
As social animals the central question of our lives asked and answered answered and asked day upon day
God took the risk of betting on us Because He made us to embrace ris… God is betting that we pass our on… What are you willing to risk your… a. Everything
When I die I’m go– ing to donate my body to pseudoscience
I don’t meet many people with a mind like a steel trap Instead, the really smart people tend to have minds like trawling n… to catch the really big fish
I was voluntold to make myself sca… But scarcely do they realize In pretending to give me a choice They have unwittingly given me an… Truth or dare?
During the lockdown you were still technically allowed to exercise outdoors but I rigged up
Initially, as you approach hell it feels like you’re getting a warm welcome
Once masks became quote-unquote op… the unmasked were finally unmasked and the masked remained unamalgamated
It was all systems go in my search for a new belief syst… until I realized all systems go too far
A desire Needn’t ever be fulfilled Because in desire I have all That I will ever need
All the games people play Are iterations of the same game: Playing along Playing along is a language game And the only way to win the game
There are no endings neither happy nor sad– Does this make you happy or sad? I pretend to answer the question by preferring songs that end
Science was happily letting the cat out of the bag until Schrodinger’s Cat was found in and out of the bag at the same time