In Judaism The three most important prohibiti… Idolatry, adultery, and murder In idolatry you abandon God In adultery you abandon your soulm…
I am just like everyone else In that I am nothing like anyone… Which is how I am one While we too are one
Life can seem meaningless But I’ve found that Meaning is never lifeless
My fellow Americans Where once we shared a collective… We called the will of the people That simultaneously tamed and expr… We have now regressed to the preci…
All raw deals Are some version of the following: If we screw up You’ll keep your mouth shut Because if you draw attention to i…
You must go on. I can’t go on. I’ll ramble on.
People used to kill the goose that laid the golden egg because they wanted more gold
Given a choice We prefer A fait accompli
I am simultaneously purging while binge watching TV on my Gal… by ignoring my wife and kids
I used to think the way it works i… if it’s true then you believe it Later, I thought if you believe it
It’s horrifying when two parties have a suicide pact but it’s exponentially worse that the far right and far left
A smart phone is 1/7 billionth of a doomsday machine
The only reason that people wear clothes is because they have language
Our mistake is in believing That a lifetime of events Come varyingly in one of two forms… Blessing or curse When in truth
The annoying thing about blenders Is how loud they are But then again My mouth functions as a blender And I’m a loudmouth