Human beings have always been figh… with one hand tied behind our back… Unconscious human intelligence ena… to act without thinking and conscious human intelligence a…
In the new cold war between the neoliberal west and the Chinese Communist Party the neoliberals are destined to wi… having already hacked the path of…
The crucial moment in my elevator pitch comes when I hit the emergency stop button
In the state of nature You live by the sword And die by the sword In civilization The pen is mightier
I went to a personal branding work… only to find that my most marketab… leveraging value from a lack of or… lends itself more to generics
In the final battle between Good and Evil both sides were allowed but one weapon Good didn’t think twice;
Where before It was handed to me on a silver-pl… Where everything real was just bel… Now I’ve found the real way forwa… By making it up as I go along
In a bit of irony the only thing that both sides can agree on is that a win-win is intolerable
Whenever an authority figure says It’s my way or the highway I end up wanting to have it both w…
The culture war is a cyber war where you can’t tell that you’re behind enemy lines until you’re compelled to read your lines
We are all of us unreliable narrators Some of us just make a living at it
I can demand control Of my fear Or I can accept That I am not in control And be not afraid
It’s a lot easier for men to dwell in the mystery of what a woman wants than to acknowledge what it is exactly that
I’m getting much better at recognizing my wife’s subtle hi… like when she recently put mosquit… over her side of the bed
The human condition is either thinking that we’re free when we’re actually held captive or thinking that we’re captive when we’re actually free