As the world closed in the Pollyanna sought safety in numbers only to find herself taking a number
Forgetting that God has promised To never repeat the Flood We’ve busied ourselves opening the… Expecting to end it all As we flood the planes
When I die I’m go– ing to donate my body to pseudoscience
In a failed democracy the one thing both sides can agree on is that the real traitors are the loyal opposition
When God says Do what you want He knows You’re going to anyway His risk is betting you want
I went to bed after a gabfest and had a bad dream that I woke up on, nay in, silent retreat
If my wife could re-draft she says she’d still take me but only after trading back to the second round
If there is one thing we can all agree on it’s moral certainty
People keep repeating the same mis… Until they learn their lesson But what if the lesson is that History repeats itself? If you’ve skimmed your Nietzsche
I tried using my get out of jail free card but the CVV on the back was Roman Numerals for eleven
The discomfort that Americans now all evince in one another used to be reserved for old people who get rich quick
The annoying thing about blenders Is how loud they are But then again My mouth functions as a blender And I’m a loudmouth
I always liked making people laugh until my undergraduates told me that it was an abuse of power asym…
Human beings evolved to avoid face-to-face conflict which was why until very recently everybody was talking behind each…
Social media came for our teenage… and unable to organize their inner… they turned their aggression inwar… Now AI is coming for our teenage… and unable to impact the external…