I like positive reinforcement As much as the next guy And the next guy Gets a lot of likes So, it’s back to the grindstone
On a gray scale Of one to ten I’m a perfect five
Like anything else immortality has its pros and cons: Our chickens never come home to ro… but our cows never come home eithe…
There were 102 passengers on the… So why only 101 dalmatians?
The first half of life: If it ain’t broke Don’t fix it The second half of life: If you can’t fix it
The three day seminar culminated with walking across smooth sea glass and still cutting our feet
A dissident today is anyone who realizes that since you’re damned if you do damned if you don’t
China’s zero-covid policy zeroes in on ideology in order to zero out reality Americans, too, have a zero percen… making justice a total zero
Is it really leading by example when I floss in the office men’s r… after lunch or is this what the Buddhist’s cal… bodhisattva exhibitionism
The fruit of the tree of knowledge… Has fully ripened In the form of the internet Which looms large With the promise of looming catast…
Your life, like everyone else’s will eventually accept death’s pro… and maybe it’s because from the moment you were born death has been saying yes to life
In families adept at keeping open secrets no one expects you to state the obvious
Don’t get mad, get to work Because the best revenge is living… And you would do well to Work with what you’ve got And what you’ve got
Everyone who uses language believes in God Prayer is the act of admitting that you believe in God
There are no endings neither happy nor sad– Does this make you happy or sad? I pretend to answer the question by preferring songs that end