The cold war was a just war but a just war is still just war and war is hell
I have just complet– ed my memoirs: One Hundred Years of Solid Food
But if Francis Fukuyama is wrong I don’t want to be right
Pay attention to what is said: “One day we hope to enable every p… to feel as strong a sense of conne… as you feel when you’re physically with someone you love”
The One Ring had it backwards The one thing that bestows power is
Apocalypse now in the eternal now
The distance between zero and one is infinitely greater than the distance between one and infinity
A wedding ring is a mood ring that never changes color reminding us that a husband should always feel
War is hell, but be– ing conquered is hell on Earth which makes it much worse
The first half of life: If it ain’t broke Don’t fix it The second half of life: If you can’t fix it
When the NSA reads my email are they ab– le to discern tone
If they were ever only attacking a… there’d be nor real need for the l… But the act of distorting an idea is always a pretext to the taking… So, you’ll know it’s a strawman fa…
Johnny Cash is going to Jackson; I have been to Jacksonville
The only reason that people wear clothes is because they have language
It’s hard to quantify change We keep running our equations Adding and subtracting everything… From everything we know about God And the numbers don’t add up–