Same as the Old Winning Formula
Like NFL Hall-of-Famer Dick Ve… I’m a Scorpio So, like Coach Vermeil I also tend to cry whenever I spe… About the things that matter most…
For the antisemite the Jews’ most galling offense is the audacity of their survival, decoding the latest antisemitic sl… the smear of “Jewish Supremacy”-
You seem to have caught me in a gr… But it can’t be at all my fault if As you’ll see in the hieroglyph My back is to the cliff Over which the lemmings drift
You can’t prove that God exists But even if you could People would just say Correlation does not imply causati…
People are only willing to wait and see when they already know what they are looking for
If you don’t believe I’m the Led Zeppelin of poetry just wait ‘til you see my poems go over like a lead balloon
Looking back on college it’s unclear if I was a party animal party mineral or party vegetable
This world’s highest praise– “Never change”- Is actually a curse Only God and His Torah are uncha… So that in our constant evolution
With the same hubris That got us into this mess In the first place We like nothing more than to decla… Global warming is man-made
Breathe in not out
Loving others is the only sure sou… Why do we love them? Just for being there and enabling…
Thinking of happiness as the meaning of life is like thinking of sugar as the meaning of food
There is a place Where children are to be seen And not heard Where all the children are raised To keep up appearances
The distorting effects of social m… have left us warped But we’ve made the best of it seeking our daily pleasure in deciding what
The left was once really good at keeping capitalism in check but then they lost their identity and have been looking for one ever… oblivious that it’s long since