Stack your Problems Up real High Stack
They finally caught him Old no neck nick They tried plenty before But he gave them the slip He’s short and he’s quick
She comes out of the ocean at nigh… To fold my clothes and clean my be… She like to pick up after me And make sure I’m always fed Slippery floors is the only price
Mr.Pierce had 36 eyes 27 boxes of tissues In case he cries 18 pairs of glasses For when he reads
This poems the worst Nothing like the first My ideas are scattered about And the pages run out I’ve got better things to do
I woke up this morning With my hair knotted in every way But it did not bother me not one b… Since today’s a good kind of day I reached for the bedroom door
On a bench in the park sat a man dressed in grey feeding the seagulls that flew in from the bay he wished he could glide
whats this do? I have no clue its mechanics look quite clever oh look at the time
A poem’s a poem If it ends in a rhyme A poet’s a poet If he writes in spare time A poet grows famous
The special today is over easy twi… With a serving of bunk on the side If you like you can watch the chef… Cause we ain’t got nothin to hide If you need help deciding
He gathered up used paper A broken mug and coffee pot A cracked plate, a crooked rake And a tomato that begun to rot He gathered these things thinking
Skinny Sarah would eat and eat But all the weight just went to he… They got so big she could only fin… Driving poles in at the farm She’d pick em up and drive em in
Supposedly we all have demons And boy do I wish this were true I’d have these demons do my chores And all my homework too
Brooke got her name Because she likes to babble Teller got his name Because he likes To tattle Shaky got his name
We both leapt from the plane But first we placed a wager Who could reach the bottom first What could be the danger I watched her as she pulled her co…