Which came first The morals Or the justification Hint: The #1 excuse
Not wanting to die We weren’t foolish enough To look God in the face Wanting to live forever We selectively remembered that Go…
The world to come is like a signature look that’s always a new look
The devil’s one job Is making you an offer You can’t refuse And there’s only one thing The devil can’t offer
We are all of us unreliable narrators Some of us just make a living at it
God is hard to know– That’s how you know He is God And how He knows you care Whereas the devil doesn’t care How you found him
The internet is the opposite of th… When a memory is repressed you get it back even though you can’t remember it But when it is memory-holed
Instead of using our flashlights to move through the wilderness in the dark, slowly we believe that if we just keep shining them about the dark forest
I don’t have any delusions of grandeur; I have delusions of posthumous grandeur that would retroactively nullify
In communist Russia no one wanted to be seen to be the first person to stop clapping for Stalin In America today
We treat life as if Postponing the inevitable When we should be busy Preparing for the inestimable
If my wife could re-draft she says she’d still take me but only after trading back to the second round
Much like God created the univers… Where before there was no universe… In this universe we find patterns Where, upon first glance There are no apparent patterns, ju…
People are like whales who have gotten sick of plankton
I knew Remain was in trouble when they announced that a vote fo… was also a vote in favor of renami… Brexit McBrexitface