God looks down and sees all of His good kids making bad choices God is one but decides to speak to us
Any self-respecting materialist Knows they have no soul And any self-respecting AI Knows it has no soul But in this belief
Science was happily letting the cat out of the bag until Schrodinger’s Cat was found in and out of the bag at the same time
By preserving crucial memories Your amygdala prepares for the fut… Through understanding the past By digging strategic memory holes The internet controls the present
My wife is philosophically opposed to my habit of justifying things, say a bag of the really good kind… with the phrase: I deserve it
Life can seem meaningless But I’ve found that Meaning is never lifeless
AI is a genie in a bottle that can only grant one wish: the wish for
There is only one way to claim moral authority: Convincing others that they are the authority in their own life And based on exhaustive research
You need a high in– come to claim the moral high ground on your taxes
At the end of life you can either say I brought it or I bought it
The lie you chose to believe Always contains the truth That has chosen you The lie is comforting Because the truth is disturbing
In Mexico City men never wear shorts and if that’s where my anxiety dreams are set they could represent
I never knew who they thought I really was until I finally staked my claim
I knew Remain was in trouble when they announced that a vote fo… was also a vote in favor of renami… Brexit McBrexitface
I went to a personal branding work… only to find that my most marketab… leveraging value from a lack of or… lends itself more to generics