Chris Gaither

Moshiach Is Already with Us; We Need Only Turn Around to Finally See Him

We’ve been traveling down a street named
Post-enlightenment Secular Materialism Circle
And the thing about a dead-end street
Is that it seems like any other street
Until you come to the dead end
And this is the dead end
In the form of a circle
For turning around
And going back to God
But the trip wasn’t wasted
Since we’ve learned that
Post-enlightenment secular materialism has a conclusive ending
And it is the long-awaited ending to
The Game of Thrones–
Not the TV-version ending
Which was
Post-enlightenment secular materialism faking its own death
So that the deadly power struggle can go on forever
But the real version in words
And the word on the street is that
The power struggle is over
And all the pretenders to the throne
Can stop playing pretend
Because the real king is here
Not to make the law
(The law remains the same)
Nor to enforce it
(God still has that covered)
But to reveal that the power struggle
Was always just misplaced desire for the law
Which is written on our hearts
It is misplaced because
Post-enlightenment secular materialism is heartless
Which explains all the cruelty
But doesn’t explain how it lasted this long
Perhaps it was because
We were afraid to write the ending
Fortunately, God already wrote the ending
While leaving it to us
To tell the story of how we get there
By living it
Well, here we are
At an ending–
Let’s turn around and go back
For there’s someone with us
At the back of the line
Waiting to lead us–
We’ll see him when we turn

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