When they said God is dead They just meant God is forbidden And like a fool
Desperate to identify new funding… We gambled that a steady stream of… Would flow to those whose stream o… Forebode the worst downstream effe… So, we began livestreaming the fut…
We confuse freedom for the act of choosing when our frontal lobe has no choice but to choose just as a heart must beat
With social media You can squeeze All of the people All of the time
Antisemitism is suddenly easy to f… It’s a mile wide and just scratch the surface an inch deep– You’ll find it there
If Star Wars is actually told From R2-D2’s perspective Then our only hope Is that God lets us go on believi… We are more powerful
The last waltz isn’t over until they come waltzing back in
The one path to a sustainable future is understanding that people will only agree to cuts in their standard of livin…
AI is A nobody And I am Nobody’s fool
Whereas Mayor McCheese loved reading about himself in the newsp… ex-Mayor McCheese was served with divorce papers
Unlike the Americans and the Engl… who are divided by a common langua… the Americans and the Parisians are divided by a common symptom: disappointment
They used to give me Birthday presents Now they give me A wide berth
“Did you know that your brain regularly fills in for missing information, much of the time without you even knowing that this is going on?” “(I)t happens so very quickly and without con...
Why would they still offer A penny for our thoughts When they can buy in bulk
One thing I’ve learned is The good times Weren’t as good As I imagined them to be In fear of the bad times