Each question on the purity test concludes with the following promp… Which two answers are correct? And you always have the same four choices:
The distorting effects of social m… have left us warped But we’ve made the best of it seeking our daily pleasure in deciding what
Social media came for our teenage… and unable to organize their inner… they turned their aggression inwar… Now AI is coming for our teenage… and unable to impact the external…
The human brain has 100 trillion synaptic connections which sounds like a lot but it’s only 0.0000000005% of the universe’s 200 billion tril…
When you cut the umbilical cord children remain reliant on their p… until they start to become self-re… by attaching to their friends as a step towards the full self-re…
The path to victo– ry begins with laughing at yourself in defeat
Science was happily letting the cat out of the bag until Schrodinger’s Cat was found in and out of the bag at the same time
The difference between Being asleep at the wheel And being asleep at the wheel Of a self-driving car Is that in the former
When I was a child The most authoritarian teacher Exerted her control through Silent lunch Yesterday, in the cafeteria
I used to pretend that Kafka’s The Trial was my favorite book but these days I bring a courtroom stenographer with me
Descartes wanted certainty He got it Now we’re stuck with it Uncertain how we get unstuck Does this mean we’re doomed or sav…
The most common rookie mistake is thinking that because you know what you were saved from that you also know what you were saved for
The one thing postmodernists know… is that the surest way to control… is to convince people there are no… prompting an endless chain of seco… while provoking so much anxiety
Notice how the giraffe evolved so that its neck is precisely long… to reach the water when it bends d…
Mark my wounds, Our words will come back To flaunt us