The banyan tree grows up around a host tree which eventually dies leaving the banyan hollow at its c…
If you’re going to take sick leave… take FMLA
In the official version of my life I love my life In real life I love life itself
I never knew who they thought I really was until I finally staked my claim
A long time ago I received my mission statement: The best version of myself isn’t t… I’m currently on my ten thousandth… Trying to figure out what this mea…
Where once an artist was a creator she is now a creative because a noun requires a verb and we’re meant to do nothing which pays well on the internet
At first moving heaven and earth is its own reward because it’s hell on wheels But self-flagellation
Unsatisfied with the miracle of li… Peaceful transfer of power in serv… The peace movement plans to establ… A mostly peaceful monopoly on powe…
The difference between the Pax Romana and the Pax Americana is that while all roads lead to Rome
In polite society The most threatening words are alw… I’m disappointed in you Which is politesse for There’s a knife in you
I’m always leaving things at church so the lost and found won’t be empty
We used to wonder What will they think of next? Having lost our capacity for wonde… We insist Now they’ve thought of everything
For now American democracy such as it is is still getting the people it deserves
The dream has always been To build a time machine And go back in time To change the present But some things never change–
Once you have gained accession to the object of your obsession you’ll remain incapable of graspin… let alone even asking if you just might be the object of…