A leader attracts a following The following attracts a crowd The crowd mobs the leader The leader forms a mob The mob goes mental
When civilization was still buildi… deconstruction was all the rage Now that everything we’ve built is… rage is all the rage
If people tell you what they plan to do and you don’t believe them it’s because pretending they don’t really mean it
In his weekend forays for psilocyb… he had always been wary of poisono… but he never accounted for the con… that did him in in the end
All of reality is a temptation To believe in yourself But if you do You’ll never get it– Self-confidence is always lacking
Because we are social beings whenever people said they have no… they always meant they have no soc… Real life was social life But now social life is short for
You can spend your life trying to understand why bad things happen to good people only to learn that good people do bad things
It’s easier for capitalism to end than to imagine the end of capital…
Losing what you never had is only possible when you look for it exactly where it never was
Would that my morning toilet were a ritual and not just the muscle memory of a muscle memory
It’s not about you; It’s about me– This is how you know She’s breaking up with you It’s not about you;
Human beings need to compete for what they want To ruin human beings try meeting their needs
Soft totalitarianism is like shoes That are just tight enough To remain comfortable If you don’t go anywhere
The difference between Being asleep at the wheel And being asleep at the wheel Of a self-driving car Is that in the former
That wasn’t the sky Falling on your head That was the truth gone to ground By playing dead