My analyst says I want to have my cake and put it in a time capsule too
I thought I’d crafted a mystique when all I’d rea– lly made were mistakes
If you want to predict the future determine what is most taken for g… and imagine a world without it I predict a future where words will be replaced
With the sexual revolution as with all the other belief syste… what men take as an article of faith women have to wear
You have to believe to commit And they think we’re crazy to beli… And would commit us as inpatients If only they had the patience But their patience has worn thin
My A.I. Companion has one setting for telling me what I want to hear and another for what I
Guilt is a trap Locking you in The desire of others But God has a plan To set you free
“A voice called out in the wildern… Clearing the way of the Lord Straightening a road in the desert For our God” Listen closely–
I know what I want But do I want everyone else To know what I want That is the question
What if I could just do no wrong Then surely, I’d still get to bel… Perforce, I did nothing And found myself bluffing Whenever I needed to be strong
People want to get rich because they think money will make them happy People want to stay rich because they know that money
As AI gets smarter and smarter we’ll grow cuter and cuter until like a pug who struggles to breath… we’re too cute for our own good
“Did you know that your brain regularly fills in for missing information, much of the time without you even knowing that this is going on?” “(I)t happens so very quickly and without con...
It’s not that I’ve often taken leave of my senses but that I can never take a hint
My dad was a very religious man He always told me You’ve made your bed now you’ve got to not eat in it