The scientific method has, at long last arrived at a unifying theory which, for it is a dead end
Puzzles can be solved Problems can only be exchanged
Yes, humans suck– that’s a universal The reason we haven’t been able to fix it is that being a human doesn’t suck for eve…
Living well Means accepting risk Living hell Is risk-free
On the one hand even the talking cure can’t cure death On the other hand you can’t talk it to death
When they locked down the third pl… (Houses of worship) And made the first two places (Home and work) Into one place
Originally a method for learning from mistakes science had been debased into a tool for sorting right from wrong
She was so cool that even her periods were fashionably late
The lamppost is an outpost Where it’s safe to admit That between you, me, and the lamp… Self-knowledge is over-rated Self-deception is automated
Big Brother used to just Cross his fingers To avoid telling the truth Then uncrossed them into a V for Vacancy
Materialism is no way out of Cartesian dualism It just turns backwards– I am, therefore I think– in an infinite regress
I was happily feeding at the trough when I noticed it had been filled with finger food
When my dog gives me that knowing… I don’t know what she knows I only know that she knows Who I’m fooling And it isn’t her
My wife now relates to me very much as she does to stinky cheese
We guard the thin line between love and hate by loving more But we cross the thin line between self-love and self-hate