For twenty years people kept insis… that there was an elephant in the… but I just didn’t see it And then I realized I was the elephant
Let good intentions be my sword and naivete my shield
A man must never admit that what he wants more than anything is to be told what to do Instead
If you want to know what the quarantine was like for me walk a mile in my new leather sweatpants
You seem to have caught me in a gr… But it can’t be at all my fault if As you’ll see in the hieroglyph My back is to the cliff Over which the lemmings drift
All opinions are wrong but you can only learn from your own mistakes
Rome wasn’t built in a day But it was sacked In a day and a half
Two roads diverged the one to the left leading up the garden path the one to the right leading down the garden path
I can’t guess your age but I can guess your age when you got that tattoo
Our elites believe That the key to holding their grip… In the face of domestic opposition… Wringing their necks While in the face of external thre…
If we learned anything from the pandemic it’s that people much prefer being left to their own devices over
The whole key To reinventing the wheel with cybe… Was making the ratio of the circum… Of a circle to its diameter A rational number
There are lots of places to hide things but hiding them in plain sight is the best option for the things that people
What do you call it when people are so bored that they start playing with fire and soon enough find themselves fighting fire with fire
The worst part about giving every kid in little league a trophy is the way it has emptied all the… out of acquiring