Art is where the Symbolic meets the Real forming a liminal space between meaning and its absence AI-generated art is where the Unr…
The only ones you’d trust enough t… Do it yourself Are the very ones Who trust in God Clearly, then
Finding themselves at court in a r… for a body politic gone mad withou… aides could only hope to exploit h… bias in lieu of appeals to his dec…
On the one hand even the talking cure can’t cure death On the other hand you can’t talk it to death
In the new version of Heads I win, tails you lose People hate to be wrong But love to apologize And if you accept their apology
Anxiety, like loneliness, is a sig… that something is very wrong and amidst an epidemic of anxiety with no end in sight the greatest danger lies in
When I was a baby My mother wiped my bum Social media, then, is the fountai… As I become its obedient child Every time it wipes my memory
In my second marriage I went all in on being authentic When she left she said that being with me
If as according to us their problem is being worse than… at least they can get better But our problem
In the end no one could be held accountable for the catastrophe not because there weren’t plenty of warning signs
The logic of antisemitism Is the very same logic in witch du… When the only way the accused can… As she is dunked under water Is by sinking;
When people ask me How are you doing? I tell them That’s above my pay grade
In the 2020 reboot Bugs Bunny’s persona has shifted from invulnerable trickster to pseudo-empathic scold
You can strive for quality and never know if you will get any… You can pursue recognition and never know if you’ve done any… Or you can pretend to do both
If you give people enough space You’ll be amazed By their flexibility If you give people enough cyberspa… You’ll be aghast