The difference between a materiali… Is that a materialist finds it rat… That dark matter and energy must b… Because it makes their calculation… But fears they’ll never find it
God doesn’t make mistakes But He lets us make mistakes Which, unless I’m mistaken Means there’s no mistaking us for… But being mistake prone
My constant sense of dread Was just a case Of perpetual stage fright In a never-ending performance of c… Now that I’ve dropped the act
At bottom crypto mining is just another form of extracting fossil fuels But the crypt keeper knows that the best way to hide somethin…
Zionism is the hill I will die on To be buried in the ground From which the world to come Is about to burst forth
The difference between being hungr… And being power hungry Is that hunger can be satisfied This is because God is
You’ll never convince me that when the sun and moon are out at the same time it isn’t the sun appearing at nigh…
My dreams are no longer about wish fulfillment but about the Amazon fulfillment center
You can die a million times Without a single ego death But one ego death is worth One God
We are not material beings; We are embodied spiritual beings Language is how the spirit moves u… As in moves our bodies– Especially when words are set to m…
We crave connection Because we need it But we are addicted to social medi… Because it’s the last thing we nee… Social media mediates attention
My whole life, I thought I’d done… Duly deputized by the law of the l… As enforced by the superego, for w… But due to unforeseen circumstance… When instead of always being due f…
When anything you think Can and will be used against you The purpose of state-funded educat… Will be learning not to think As the doyens of higher learning
If you need to be in control Your life becomes a reaction Because human beings can have all… Just as long as It’s damage control
The last stage of wes– tern civilization was groupthink without groups