The path to victo– ry begins with laughing at yourself in defeat
“Democracy is the worst form of go… Except for all those other forms t… Since all other forms involve deat… And democracy merely involves symb… But democracy has an illness
You can spend your life trying to understand why bad things happen to good people only to learn that good people do bad things
I could do a passable moonwalk in socks on linoleum but if I put on one glove I had to take off one sock
I am my own worst enemy But God is my greatest ally I like my odds
At the end of life you can either say I brought it or I bought it
He was a Murphy’s law and order R… Everyone who can be locked up will be locked up
I have just complet– ed my memoirs: One Hundred Years of Solid Food
I’ll give you the forest And I’ll take the trees You save the whales And I’ll keep the bees The sand in your eyes
American Express changed its slog… “Don’t leave home without it” to “Don’t live life without it” in acknowledgement that
The last waltz isn’t over until they come waltzing back in
My matchmaker couldn’t find me any… but she suggested I go to the bing… and focus on the woman who played the most cards per game
Quick Draw McGraw taught us that in the wild wild west it’s better… shoot first and ask questions late… But Quick Bluff McGruff the Cyb… knows that on the World Wide Web…
You’ll know it’s the Fountain of… when you dive in to get it over wi… endure the shock, but then you never get used to it
Never get greedy Always cut your losses And remember that it’s better to be lucky than good and it’s bad luck to be so good th…