Scientists insist that 95% of the… consists of undetectable, unknowab… because this belief makes their ca… Like you and me the little that they do know
Staring at your phone came to be known as the thousand yard stare
When God says Do what you want He knows You’re going to anyway His risk is betting you want
Caught between a rock and a hard p… we will sink or swim: Sink like a rock or swim in a hard place– the opposite of walking on water–
This is going nowhere so, by all means let’s keep going
In order to survive, the out-group must make a constant study of the in-gr… and adapt to its evolving aggressi… The latest lesson is that,
All forms of life have an unconsci… sentient animals have developed co… to extend the unconscious’ operati… and human beings have developed la… to make consciousness the unconsci…
Modern research methods have detec… that there’s no such thing as a ba… leaving scientists puzzled as to w… the whole bunch is still spoiled
The people will never accept the f… that the one thing missing from an effective conspiracy is conspir… so they keep looking for the inexi… always expecting to find them
If you pursue any vice long enough you’ll either become bored or addi… scratch that– you’ll either become bored and qui… or bored and addicted
You can’t cut the cord When you are the cord Connecting what you’ve been told y… With How you will inflict that burden o…
As an American I have a posteriori knowledge that Americans pretend without reason to a priori knowledge of the other
On Fresh Air they always mention that their rock historian lives in France as if he were in exile from rock a… the same way James Joyce wrote ab…
Your search for a vein is now done in vain under the soft tyranny of wireless narcotics in whose touchless embrace
Rest assured AI will give us exactly what we d… Because the devil is gentle but fa… Whereas God is tough but more tha…