Nero fiddles while Rome burns? Fiddle-de-dee! Nero riddles but Rome never learn…
Globalization is the Titanic The United States dollar is the hull that keeps the Titanic af… And US debt default is
I’ve always been more interested in who wrote the book of self-love
Never Win Anything
I was caught between a rock and a hard place unable to decide on a way out Instead, you decided on me
When they told me I was one of many I took them to mean I was the one
The difference between Being asleep at the wheel And being asleep at the wheel Of a self-driving car Is that in the former
Once again, we find ourselves unable to avoid asking– Why do so many people hate Jews to the point of wanting to see the… But let’s refine the question,
Now you only get to choose which hill you’re going to comply on
You know a hipster is aging gracef… When he comes to see that Objects in mirror Are closer than they appear
The difference between being hungr… And being power hungry Is that hunger can be satisfied This is because God is
In granting us free will God took the greatest of risks God also made us in His image God risked it all on us Risking it all on Him
In real life we used to say I’ll see your talk and raise you action but that was just too risky Preferring no stakes
In days gone by we said you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink In these more opportune times it’s widely understood that
When they replaced me at work with… I was suddenly able to devote a lo… to not being the creative type