The Cheshire Cat and Schrodinger’s Cat couldn’t agree on a place to meet
A rising tide lifts all boats But a rising sea floods all moats
He should have said: If everything is permitted then God does not exist
Over the course of life I’ve never managed to finish anyth… but for always completing my course of antibiotics
Now that I’m wearing a mask I find myself telling strangers everything
As the enormous asteroid hurtled toward Earth I found myself working harder than ever
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and antisemitism
If we’re to believe the internet a hero’s journey consists of a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis… and comes home changed or transfor…
Telling ourselves half-truths Is worse than telling ourselves li… Because Although the truth will set you fr… Just as you can’t be half pregnant
I was thinking of a logo for my personal brand and I came up with a lightning bug in a glass jar
If you want to ruin a man give him what he wants– This is the devil’s only secret
Not wanting to die We weren’t foolish enough To look God in the face Wanting to live forever We selectively remembered that Go…
Can you outrun your problems? Maybe, if you could run at the spe… But we’ll never know Because, as Einstein explained Running at the speed of light is i…
The path to victo– ry begins with laughing at yourself in defeat
Pressure is wanting it for someone else Passion is wanting it