As the public version of one’s pri… social media is the recurring drea… of showing up at work without any… come true
What draws us towards the darkness And holds us there? It is always something our own evi… To mete out death So that we never meet death oursel…
Each question on the purity test concludes with the following promp… Which two answers are correct? And you always have the same four choices:
Anticipation or dread work equally well at stopping time though the length of the work week
Exhausted by the pendulum swings b… feeling overwhelmed and disappoint… we’ve taken elements from Too much, too soon and
If there is one thing we can all agree on it’s moral certainty
I wish I could be the Lone Ranger Instead like everyone else I’m the known stranger
Because we are social beings whenever people said they have no… they always meant they have no soc… Real life was social life But now social life is short for
When words fail you’re getting close to the truth But we’re just about to talk ourselves into
AI can’t desire so it is taking over the world because we desire it imagining that AI will tell us exactly what to do
History always repeats itself And we find ourselves once more On the banks of the Red Sea Under extreme duress To put it mildly
The tough part about loving someon… is that connection supports autono… It’s tough to love someone enough to grant them their freedom and you can only do so
When Eddie Money said “I’ve got two tickets to paradise” he didn’t mention that the paradise sales team only sells tickets in pairs
An ego Without a body Is a ghost And we are All of us
Imagine what the mannequins say to… as they go their separate ways fro… as each ships out from the factory A religious mannequin says: There, but for the grace of God,…