If we learned anything from the pandemic it’s that people much prefer being left to their own devices over
My life used to be An open book Now it’s an open state secret
You seem to have caught me in a gr… But it can’t be at all my fault if As you’ll see in the hieroglyph My back is to the cliff Over which the lemmings drift
Paradoxically To approach perfection You need to make Really big mistakes Ironically
You can spend your life trying to understand why bad things happen to good people only to learn that good people do bad things
They say love it or leave it yet what do you do if you love your country but it leaves you
My soul is the sole part of me My body makes me one of us My mind is made up Of body and soul– So, just like you, I am
Most people can get away with sweeping a few things under the ru… but when I started working at the… I couldn’t help noticing how the rugs looked like
I had previously asserted that The only thing bigger than my ego Is God’s plan for me This remains the case But I would add that
In this earthly abode ‘Twas sadness that flowed With each new download Of binary code To ease our workload
Everything dear to you? You can take all of that and throw it out the Overton window
Pressure is wanting it for someone else Passion is wanting it
Nero fiddles while Rome burns? Fiddle-de-dee! Nero riddles but Rome never learn…
The blood-brain barrier is semiper… Because your heart pumps out love By the truckload
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