The Borg Queen Has Spoken
He was the kind of husband who when his wife asked him to stop sa… complied but started looking for excuses to… panda bear
When I got to the front of the self-checkout line I assumed there’d be a mirror but to my surprise and delight it was even better than I’d hoped
The Kantian ethic of treating oth… never really took off largely because Immanuel overlooke… rather obvious catchy slogan: Love squanders all
I was shunned And all I can think about is What will happen if I am shunned
All plants and animals die But only human life is A near-death experience Immortality, then Wil be the death of man
When I was a kid people grew on me like grass Now they’re more like sod
I was always being reassured that I was in the circle of trust but kept in the dark as to my place in it
As the enormous asteroid hurtled toward Earth I found myself working harder than ever
Late capitalism compensated for it… by blending it into its own propri… No one can redeem the past But everyone can redeem coupons!
When I was a child The most authoritarian teacher Exerted her control through Silent lunch Yesterday, in the cafeteria
For now American democracy such as it is is still getting the people it deserves
Paradoxically When you have a one-track mind Your body can go anywhere For your soul to accomplish anythi…
Successful interpretation of the m… Codex on the Golden Rule found in the cavernous ruins of early 21st century civilization may hold the key to understanding
History always repeats itself And we find ourselves once more On the banks of the Red Sea Under extreme duress To put it mildly
The biggest stumbling block in bel… that God is in control is further accepting that He put us in charge