The ugly duckling Is not a duck But he is a lucky duck
Al Gore didn’t invent the internet He created a device for the reinforcement of irrational thoughts and behaviors
The soul is like water The body a glass And a dead body is just A glass from which All the water has evaporated
You can’t study for the purity test but you can copy from your neighbor
We all need to belong somewhere So, we formed online communities And found ourselves belonging nowh… Where once A multitude of One
The internet is the opposite of th… When a memory is repressed you get it back even though you can’t remember it But when it is memory-holed
The Fed has one lever to pull– interest rates– to keep all of us consuming
The ego is like a booster rocket That starts out incredibly massive But sheds its size As it delivers its payload– The soul–
Eat, drink And be merry But don’t drink And derive
Maya Angelou says we have one hand to help others and one hand to help ourselves
When the ruffian challenges the professional by querying Am I here to amuse you? the professional displays his domi…
The good Hurts so good The bad Hurts so bad And the ugly
Just as Tastes like chicken is code for I only want chicken I don’t know what I want
Each of us are broken Off from one another So that together We create our mosaic Moshiach will come
Decisions my wife doesn’t make are settled by stare decisis