I always thought everybody was saying It’s better to be safe, then sorry
When the shit hits the fan at least I know I won’t be wearing flip-flops
Losing what you never had is only possible when you look for it exactly where it never was
If you do the right thing you won’t be rewarded but you will be enabled
In polite society The most threatening words are alw… I’m disappointed in you Which is politesse for There’s a knife in you
Social media– the bureaucracy of the people– is an eternal now where you always have just enough time
There’s always a deadline when I read a lifeline so I’ll cut right to the chase: Conjoined with your avatar you will live forever
Where once an artist was a creator she is now a creative because a noun requires a verb and we’re meant to do nothing which pays well on the internet
The original version’s working title was The Giveth and Taketh Away Tree but Silverstein couldn’t get it published
You can’t be free of self-consciousness so you have to be free with self-consciousness; we call this condition
I was thinking of a logo for my personal brand and I came up with a lightning bug in a glass jar
There’s no time like the present: Do it now Like, there’s no time like the pre… Do it now, but from an ironic dist… There’s no time to like the presen…
“Did you know that your brain regularly fills in for missing information, much of the time without you even knowing that this is going on?” “(I)t happens so very quickly and without con...
Everyone who uses language believes in God Prayer is the act of admitting that you believe in God
We spend most of our waking lives alternating between procrastinatio… and delayed gratification as if by putting things off we’ve bought ourselves more time