What is the point of consciousness… Consciousness enables volitional m… liberating the will through purpos… What is language for? Language infuses purposeful action…
Your soul is mission control And Houston We have a problem Literally Problem is
The pursuit of fame is the human equivalent of a dog chasing its own tail
My shampoo is nine– ty nine percent natural, as if that were enough
Nietzsche imagined eternal recurre… as the ultimate Yes to life! whereas Jews understand that life is a lot of love and work
God took the risk of betting on us Because He made us to embrace ris… God is betting that we pass our on… What are you willing to risk your… a. Everything
Everyone has a gift in life and mine is knowing exactly how much I can bid in a silent auction without winning
If they cut a deal with the devil to cut you loose without ever having to cut the crap they’ll cut right to the chase and… how much it saddens them to cut ti…
Tech’s greatest feat is maintaining the illusion that we’re finally rid of the middle man when in fact
Updating Nietzsche– If you stare into the abyss at least the abyss stares back at…
If only hate were but bone deep we could bury it with the bones But hate is buried deep in the sou… with which it reincarnates like a perennial crop of invasive…
Cyberspace is an unmaker’s space where we make the tech to unmake the people to make the money And though you can prepare
The usual cruelty Is having multiple children And enforcing a hierarchy In order to keep the peace Unusual cruelty
I risked loss And lost; I win
The United States’ motto is still In God We Trust but everyone knows that’s come to mean Don’t Get Your Hopes Up