This is the stage in history where we all give constructive cri… to the demolition crew
We’ve all learned to speak interne… Rendering us one people divided By a common language Of zeros and ones Convinced we’ve broken the code
Whether it’s a brute fact Or a gift from God We are free Is this fair? It depends on
Your soul is mission control And Houston We have a problem Literally Problem is
Politics has become another form of showbiz but while the showman should always leave them wanting more the politician knows to
When the highly educated play dumb and you are dragooned into spelling it out for them know that their obtuse dissembling bespeaks regression to the oral st…
Quick Draw McGraw taught us that in the wild wild west it’s better… shoot first and ask questions late… But Quick Bluff McGruff the Cyb… knows that on the World Wide Web…
Actual justice consists of hearing both sides of the story in order to decide which side is in the right meaning that justice
True belonging Allows for truth So, we belong to no one Even though we deserve each other
The first thing I fell in love with was her out-of-office notification
Actually, we all died in the pande… Life– I can’t afford not to Pandemic life– I can’t afford to… The afterlife– I can’t afford not…
The days of having a cold spell have given way to the era of casting a cold spell
If you can control the future through predictive policing– what the Department of Justice describes as “taking data from disparate sources, analyzing them and then using the results to ...
A poem is like a dream In that it shows us the truth Without telling it Because, truth be told There’s no telling
If they cut a deal with the devil to cut you loose without ever having to cut the crap they’ll cut right to the chase and… how much it saddens them to cut ti…